Before I start out with the summary, I want to talk about the publicity seeking praise that was written with the summary in Goodreads.
The highly anticipated conclusion to Kiera Cass's #1 New York Times bestselling Selection series, The One will captivate readers who love dystopian YA fiction and fairy tales. The One is the perfect finale for fans who have followed America's whirlwind romance since it began--and a swoon-worthy read for teens who have devoured Veronica Roth's Divergent, Ally Condie's Matched, or Lauren Oliver's Delirium.
Will captivate reader's who love dystopian? NOT SURE
but that's not the problem,
and a swoon-worthy read for teens who have devoured Veronica Roth's Divergent
ARE YOU SERIOUS? Divergent is a bloodbath, a tear-filled, depressingly ending series and you are comparing THAT to "The One"?
Sorry, now the summary ...
The Selection changed America Singer's life in ways she never could have imagined. Since she entered the competition to become the next princess of Illéa, America has struggled with her feelings for her first love, Aspen--and her growing attraction to Prince Maxon. Now she's made her choice . . . and she's prepared to fight for the future she wants.
Gee, thanks for that informative para.
My reactions throughout "The One"
I kind-of liked "The One", It was fairly satisfying as a finale, It doesn't seem so, but I kind of liked the whole series. It's just, that, uh, AMERICAAAA (that's enough reason)
My Goodreads
My reactions throughout "The One"
- *shirtless guards scene* I CANNOT believe you girls are fighting over who saw Maxon shirtless first. I'm Irritated and laughing my ass off at the same time.
- Indecisive America continues.*Bangs head against the wall*
- America, STOP Procrastinating.
- aaahh yess, finally you realize you love him!
- Never thought I'd see a Celeste-America moment.
- Never thought I'd like Celeste.
- Maxon and America are finally gonna declare their love for each other, yes please
- aaaaand they fight again.
- The elites holding hands, The victors holding hands, yeah I see that.
- OH HELL NO, Not her father.
- Her family's waay to big, who's who?
- Let me guess, Aspen loves Lucy, America loves Maxon, how very perfect.
- ok, I hate to say this but STOP MAKING OUT YOU FOOL! tell him about Aspen!!!!
- "I sighed, promising myself that we'd talk about Aspen tomorrow. It would need to happen before the ceremony, and I felt sure I knew how to explain things in the best. For now, I would enjoy this tiny bubble of peace and rest securely in the hands of the man I loved" *sigh* I can't believe how utterly stupid you are sometimes, America.
- And shit's going down.....
- Wait, was Celeste just shot dead? The one character I start to like and.....
- so, It took a massive rebel attack that killed everyone to make you two realize how much you love each other. GOD.
- *splutters* What? You let Aspen be the best man?!
- How lovely.
I kind-of liked "The One", It was fairly satisfying as a finale, It doesn't seem so, but I kind of liked the whole series. It's just, that, uh, AMERICAAAA (that's enough reason)
My GoodreadsTumblr
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