So. This whole book can be described by the two phases of dear America: The "ohmygosh Maxon is soooo good *swoon*, I so badly want to be'The One', who is Aspen?" phase, and the "Maxon is a pretender, how can I handle being a princess?, I'm a self-destructive idiot, how much I luuurved Aspen and his green eyes"phase.

Oh, America, How very much I want to smash your face against the wall.
Thirty-five girls came to the palace to compete in the Selection. All but six have been sent home. And only one will get to marry Prince Maxon and be crowned princess of Illea.
America still isn't sure where her heart lies. When she’s with Maxon, she’s swept up in their new and breathless romance, and can’t dream of being with anyone else. But whenever she sees Aspen standing guard around the palace, and is overcome with memories of the life they planned to share. With the group narrowed down to the Elite, the other girls are even more determined to win Maxon over—and time is running out for America to decide.
Just when America is sure she’s made her choice, a devastating loss makes her question everything again. And while she’s struggling to imagine her future, the violent rebels that are determined to overthrow the monarchy are growing stronger and their plans could destroy her chance at any kind of happy ending.
Oh, America, How very much I want to smash your face against the wall.

America still isn't sure where her heart lies. When she’s with Maxon, she’s swept up in their new and breathless romance, and can’t dream of being with anyone else. But whenever she sees Aspen standing guard around the palace, and is overcome with memories of the life they planned to share. With the group narrowed down to the Elite, the other girls are even more determined to win Maxon over—and time is running out for America to decide.
Just when America is sure she’s made her choice, a devastating loss makes her question everything again. And while she’s struggling to imagine her future, the violent rebels that are determined to overthrow the monarchy are growing stronger and their plans could destroy her chance at any kind of happy ending.
I finally picked this up as I said I would, even though I didn't like The selection very much. There's something about these books because when I'm reading it, I can't stop, both the books were addicting but the story has serious flaws and the MOST. FRUSTRATING. PROTAGONIST. EVER.
I seriously wouldn't give a fuck if America died right now, but something about the book makes me devour it in less than a day. Whatever it is, It's not America's pleasing character.
Ok, I need to stop with the America hate (and hope that some patriotic American didn't read this out of context) , but that's all this review's gonna have.
I give "The Elite"
*cools down and tries not to imagine dead America*
My Goodreads
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